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- IVY-151
Problem resolving dependencies when 2 module versions have different configurations - IVY-150
Circular dependencies causes StackOverflowError in report - IVY-149
Problem with inheritance between private conf and public conf - IVY-147
organisation and module names transformation - IVY-146
Make the module descriptor parsers pluggable - IVY-145
add fallback conf mechanism - IVY-144
excluded module are downloaded and not shown in ivy report - IVY-143
generate xml report using report - IVY-141
install modules found in one resolver into another resolver - IVY-140
add maven2 compatibility - IVY-139
possibility to configure ivy so that special revisions are not queried as fixed one at all - IVY-138
Improve artifact d/l time - IVY-137
do not add resolver info in ivy files in cache so that they can be safely used as usual ivy files in a repository - IVY-136
Update javadoc string in Resource.java - IVY-134
Review default conf mapping management - IVY-133
no variable replacement during the deliver step - IVY-132
change the default configuration to ease common practices - IVY-131
adds the possibility for a chain to behave like a dual chain - IVY-130
Conflict badly solved in some complex case - IVY-129
Update javadoc strings in Repository.java - IVY-127
add possibility to avoid overwrite of an ivy variable when setting them in ivyconf.xml - IVY-126
Problem with conf mapping when non conf specified for dependency - IVY-124
Excluding the root project from the buildlist - IVY-120
turn off replacement of dynamic dependency revisions during deliver - IVY-119
publish always call deliver even when an ivy file already exist - IVY-117
stack overflow error in some conflicts cases - IVY-116
Transitive Exclusions Not Working - IVY-115
Repeated runs of IvyTask's in same VM reuse dead Project for logging - IVY-112
bad ivy.xml files do not cause build failures - IVY-111
Empty dependency set gives erroneous fileset - IVY-108
cachefileset returns all cache files for empty conf - IVY-107
Ivy file required even for evicted module version - IVY-102
Allow optional parts in the patterns - IVY-100
possibility to define property in ivyconf.xml - IVY-99
Add file inclusion in configuration xml file - IVY-98
add macro feature in ivyconf - IVY-96
Ability to use a dependency instead of an ivy file in standalone mode - IVY-95
Ivy repository without revisions in file names - IVY-94
transitive attribute not being published to repository - IVY-93
Ability to specify a root module in buildlist to filter out unnecessary build files - IVY-92
referenching cachepath to build classpath in ivy standalone mode - IVY-91
Pass ivy variables in standalone mode - IVY-90
chain resolver does not support latest stategy configuration - IVY-88
importing configurations - IVY-87
static reference to ant project in fr.jayasoft.ivy.util.Message causes NullPointerException in environments like netbeans - IVY-86
Ivy Files are not found in the cache - IVY-85
publish - resolve cycle do not work with changing set to true - IVY-84
Resolve does not resolve consostently. - IVY-83
Read only artifiact - IVY-80
Resolver are limited to already defined Resource class
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