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Decrypting layer in order to use crypted xml config files; tool to encrypt the xml files; embeded xml files - IBATISNET-152
Memory leaks with lazy load - IBATISNET-135
Test DataMapper with Singleton - IBATISNET-134
lock mechanism doesn't prevent duplicate cache keys from being inserted into IList persistence - IBATISNET-129
iBatis cache can't handle null values - IBATISNET-128
Multiple Thtreads cannot open separate connections/transactions - IBATISNET-126
Invalid assignement of Custom type handler in inline parameter - IBATISNET-125
Add support for IList in resultClass - IBATISNET-123
Support for nested properties in Result Map - IBATISNET-121
The Providers.Config entry for SqlLite does not function correctly. - IBATISNET-120
Allow CustomTypeHandler to override IBatisNet's buid in TypeHandler - IBATISNET-119
CacheKey.Equals(object)/HashCode issue still a problem (was IBATISNET-118) - IBATISNET-118
CacheKey.Equals(object) override can return true when the parameters have the same HashCode but are not equal. - IBATISNET-117
CsProj File for IBatisNet.Common.Logging.Log4Net ctonains reference to files no longer in project - IBATISNET-114
Add support for Java's remapResults="true" - IBATISNET-110
Whitespace is not maintained properly when CDATA tags are used - IBATISNET-103
Typos in Resources.cs - IBATISNET-99
Mark assemblies with CLSCompliant attribute - IBATISNET-97
CacheModel does not support caching null results - IBATISNET-96
Informix .NET Provider 2.81 support - IBATISNET-95
Informix Provider support - IBATISNET-94
DomDaoManagerBuilder cannot set more than one provider element when defining more than one SqlMaps and databases in DAO.config - IBATISNET-93
ArgumentOutofRange Exception in IBatisNet.DataMapper.TypesHandler.ByteArrayTypeHandler.GetValueByIndex(Int, IDataReader) - IBATISNET-92
Check selectKey's property attribute for writeability during mapper initialization - IBATISNET-91
Cache is not flushed if the statement attribute of the flushOnExecute node is set to a <statement> or <select> id - IBATISNET-90
Enable XML documentation file generation in Visual Studio project properties - IBATISNET-89
CacheKey.Equals(object) does not check _statementName for equality - IBATISNET-81
SqlMap validation - IBATISNET-80
Store additional <statement> debug information in the MDC - IBATISNET-77
Allow Intellisense in Visual Studio 2003 for SqlMap/Dao.config/SqlMap.config files - IBATISNET-69
Allow sqlMap nodes to come from an external location rather than /sqlMapConfig/sqlMaps/sqlMap - IBATISNET-65
Upgrade to log4net 1.2.9 beta - IBATISNET-58
Allow all attributes in SqlMap.config file to be aware of ${xyz} properties - IBATISNET-50
Test DataMapper with MySQL Connector/NET provider
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