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Improve HttpClient extensibility for proxy chaining - HTTPCLIENT-1520
Fix License URLs in pom.xml - HTTPCLIENT-1519
redundant port when executing request - HTTPCLIENT-1512
Please add org.apache.http.client.fluent.Content.asString(Charset) - HTTPCLIENT-1511
Should be possible to retrieve the entity stream from a fluent respose - HTTPCLIENT-1508
Default user agent should reflect the Java version used and not compiled - HTTPCLIENT-1504
Hanging request execution when PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager has 0 MaxTotal connections set - HTTPCLIENT-1503
Allow MultipartEntityBuilder to create "multipart/mixed" entity - HTTPCLIENT-1501
Fluent API not accepting form parameters - HTTPCLIENT-1498
"java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Host name may not be blank" thrown during redirect (regression?) - HTTPCLIENT-1497
Allow to enable SO_LINGER option with zero timeout - HTTPCLIENT-1495
Finalizer in PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager should not log "shutdown" messages if already shutdown normally - HTTPCLIENT-1494
StringBody constructor throws NPE if text is null - HTTPCLIENT-1493
Conditional stale connection checking - HTTPCLIENT-1492
"TimeToLive" for connection pooling not settable via HttpClientBuilder - HTTPCLIENT-1491
Enable provision of Service Principal Name to InitializeSecurityContext - HTTPCLIENT-1484
GzipCompressingEntity shouldn't close outputstream in finally block - HTTPCLIENT-1480
Provide a convenience method to parse a proxy with format localhost:port - HTTPCLIENT-1470
CachingExec(ClientExecChain backend, HttpCache cache, CacheConfig config, AsynchronousValidator asynchRevalidator) NPE if config is null - HTTPCLIENT-1467
Why is MultipartEntityBuilder::addPart(FormBodyPart) private? - HTTPCLIENT-1466
FileBodyPart.generateContentType() method ignores ContentType parameters - HTTPCLIENT-1464
Add ability to override HttpClientBuilder.disableContentCompression() setting at request execution level - HTTPCLIENT-1462
Include source port, host information in the debug level output - HTTPCLIENT-1461
GZIP decoding is very slow - HTTPCLIENT-1460
Cached files would be deleted after CloseableHttpClient being closed. - HTTPCLIENT-1458
SystemDefaultCredentialsProvider authenticates with wrong protocol for https requests - HTTPCLIENT-1457
HttpClientBuilder.useSystemProperties() is incompatible with NTLM scheme - HTTPCLIENT-1456
ClientProtocolException occurs when retries after receiving 503 - HTTPCLIENT-1454
Allow use of multiple SSLContexts with single instance of HttpClient - HTTPCLIENT-1434
TrustSelfSignedStrategy should be a singleton - HTTPCLIENT-1403
HttpClient cannot handle contatenated gzip streams - HTTPCLIENT-1394
Native windows Negotiate/NTLM via JNA
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