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(As a configuration option), provide the ability to disable the Wicket viewer automatically continuing to original URL after successful login. - CAUSEWAY-910
Entering invalid data for Char type fails with an internal error - CAUSEWAY-902
Enhance ImageResourceCacheClassPath so that can have two entities with the same simple name but in different packages. - CAUSEWAY-895
HomePage should honour authorization rules. - CAUSEWAY-889
Action prompt dialog seems to be not quite big enough in Chrome (is ok in Firefox and IEv11) - CAUSEWAY-885
To avoid leaking information (eg in the title) should have a "special" permission to throw a 404 if user doesn't have permission to view any of the class' members. - CAUSEWAY-884
ErrorPage vulnerable to XSS attacks. - CAUSEWAY-883
Isis 1.3: Bookmarkable action URLs can be submitted by a user without permissions to bring up action dialog (thereafter that user can invoke). - CAUSEWAY-880
Appearance of Password field (in action dialogs) requires tweaking. - CAUSEWAY-872
1.7.0 release activities - CAUSEWAY-846
Enhance ExceptionRecognizer so that the stack trace can be suppressed in certain circumstances (for security) - CAUSEWAY-794
Upgrade to Wicket 6.16.0, remove CharSequenceResource
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