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- ARROW-6683
[Python] Add unit tests that validate cross-compatibility with pyarrow.parquet when fastparquet is installed - ARROW-6674
[Python] Fix or ignore the test warnings - ARROW-6652
[Python] to_pandas conversion removes timezone from type - ARROW-6642
[Python] chained access of ParquetDataset's metadata segfaults - ARROW-6623
[CI][Python] Dask docker integration test broken perhaps by statistics-related change - ARROW-6564
[Python] Do not require pandas for invoking Array.__array__ - ARROW-6561
[Python] pandas-master integration test failure - ARROW-6560
[Python] Failures in *-nopandas integration tests - ARROW-6556
[Python] Prepare for pandas release without SparseDataFrame - ARROW-6522
[Python] Test suite fails with pandas 0.23.4, pytest 3.8.1 - ARROW-6520
[Python] Segmentation fault on writing tables with fixed size binary fields - ARROW-6506
[C++] Validation of ExtensionType with nested type fails - ARROW-6492
[Python] file written with latest fastparquet cannot be read with latest pyarrow - ARROW-6488
[Python] pyarrow.NULL equals to itself - ARROW-6325
[Python] wrong conversion of DataFrame with boolean values - ARROW-6224
[Python] remaining usages of the 'data' attribute (from previous Column) cause warnings - ARROW-6187
[C++] fallback to storage type when writing ExtensionType to Parquet - ARROW-6158
[Python] possible to create StructArray with type that conflicts with child array's types - ARROW-6132
[Python] ListArray.from_arrays does not check validity of input arrays - ARROW-6115
[Python] support LargeList, LargeString, LargeBinary in conversion to pandas - ARROW-6082
[Python] create pa.dictionary() type with non-integer indices type crashes - ARROW-5952
[Python] Segfault when reading empty table with category as pandas dataframe - ARROW-5873
[Python] Segmentation fault when comparing schema with None - ARROW-5864
[Python] simplify cython wrapping of Result - ARROW-5853
[Python] Expose boolean filter kernel on Array - ARROW-5817
[Python] Use pytest marks for Flight test to avoid silently skipping unit tests due to import failures - ARROW-5790
[Python] Passing zero-dim numpy array to pa.array causes segfault - ARROW-5682
[Python] from_pandas conversion casts values to string inconsistently - ARROW-5610
[Python] Define extension type API in Python to "receive" or "send" a foreign extension type - ARROW-5220
[Python] index / unknown columns in specified schema in Table.from_pandas - ARROW-3829
[Python] Support protocols to extract Arrow objects from third-party classes - ARROW-3531
[Python] Deprecate Schema.field_by_name in favor of __getitem__
{"errorMessages":["You are not authorised to perform this operation. Please log in."],"errors":{}}
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