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- ARROW-5738
[Crossbow][Conda] OSX package builds are failing with missing intrinsics - ARROW-5730
[Python][CI] Selectively skip test cases in the dask integration test - ARROW-5725
[Crossbow] Port conda recipes to azure pipelines - ARROW-5678
[R][Lint] Fix hadolint docker linting error - ARROW-5674
[Python] Missing pandas pytest markers from test_parquet.py - ARROW-5664
[Crossbow] Execute nightly crossbow tests on CircleCI instead of Travis - ARROW-5465
[Crossbow] Support writing submitted job definition yaml to a file - ARROW-5437
[Python] Missing pandas pytest marker from parquet tests - ARROW-5421
[Packaging][Crossbow] Duplicated key in nightly test configuration - ARROW-5325
[Archery][Benchmark] Output properly formatted jsonlines from benchmark diff cli command - ARROW-5149
[Packaging][Wheel] Pin LLVM to version 7 in windows builds - ARROW-5144
[Python] ParquetDataset and ParquetPiece not serializable - ARROW-5078
[Documentation] Sphinx is failed by RemovedInSphinx30Warning - ARROW-5064
[Release] Pass PKG_CONFIG_PATH to glib in the verification script - ARROW-5056
[Packaging] Adjust conda recipes to use ORC conda-forge package on unix systems - ARROW-3419
[C++] Run include-what-you-use checks as nightly build
{"errorMessages":["You are not authorised to perform this operation. Please log in."],"errors":{}}
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