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- APLO-83
Apollo REST API should support cookie/session based authentication - APLO-82
Add a new /dest-metrics REST route which collects the metrics for queues, topics and dsubs. - APLO-81
Include message counters on the producer/consumer links on the destination stats in the REST API. - APLO-80
Separate message statistics for durable subs from queues. - APLO-79
Apollo should log errors trigerring an ERROR frame - APLO-77
Provide connection aggregation in the REST API - APLO-75
Apollo does not set the redelivered header on redelivered messages - APLO-74
Apollo does not set the timestamp header on received messages - APLO-73
Service does not stop, Control-C in console does not work - APLO-72
client-individual ack mode is not supported - APLO-71
Apollo plugins should be easy to configure - APLO-70
Add per-destination queue quota - APLO-69
PipeTransportServer does not call resume on it's CustomDispatchSource - APLO-68
Add support for TCP-level keepalive - APLO-67
Support an `auto-delete:true` header on the STOMP subscribe frame to auto delete queues when the subscription ends - APLO-66
Accessing non-existent resource routes like /broker/connectors/foobar/action/start.json results in a 204 instead of a 404 - APLO-65
Typos in Apollo Management API doc - APLO-64
Apollo/REST: incorrect dequeue_ts - APLO-63
Incorrect "home" link in header of admin console - APLO-62
Can't get examples to work - APLO-61
Apollo listener examples should display a message when started - APLO-56
Change to a terser configuration scheme for ACL definitions - APLO-34
Allow a STOMP subscription to control message flow using a credit window
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