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- TEZ-2566
Allow TaskAttemptFinishedEvent without TaskAttemptStartedEvent when it is KILLED/FAILED - TEZ-2579
Incorrect comparison of TaskAttemptId - TEZ-2560
fix tex-ui build for maven 3.3+ - TEZ-2511
Add exitCode to diagnostics when container fails - TEZ-2534
Error handling summary event when shutting down AM - TEZ-2533
AM deadlock when shutdown - TEZ-2845
Backport TEZ-2775 to branch-0.6 - TEZ-2831
Backport TEZ-2774 to branch-0.6 and branch-0.5 - TEZ-2304
InvalidStateTransitonException TA_SCHEDULE at START_WAIT during recovery - TEZ-2311
AM can hang if kill received while recovering from previous attempt - TEZ-2475
Tez local mode hanging in big testsuite - TEZ-2483
Tez should close task if processor fail - TEZ-2561
Port for TaskAttemptListenerImpTezDag should be configurable - TEZ-2541
DAGClientImpl enable TimelineClient check is wrong. - TEZ-2080
Localclient should be using tezconf in init instead of yarnconf - TEZ-2488
Tez AM crashes if a submitted DAG is configured to use invalid resource sizes. - TEZ-1529
ATS and TezClient integration in secure kerberos enabled cluster
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