Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- SPARK-44558
Export Pyspark's Spark Connect Log Level - SPARK-41585
The Spark exclude node functionality for YARN should work independently of dynamic allocation - SPARK-44137
Change handling of iterable objects for on field in joins - SPARK-44279
Upgrade optionator to ^0.9.3 - SPARK-46408
support date_sub on V2ExpressionBuilder - SPARK-43081
Add torch distributor data loader that loads data from spark partition data - SPARK-43380
Fix Avro data type conversion issues to avoid producing incorrect results - SPARK-43340
Handle missing stack-trace field in eventlogs - SPARK-42943
Use LONGTEXT instead of TEXT for StringType - SPARK-42683
Automatically rename metadata columns that conflict with data schema columns - SPARK-45238
Add Unicode[encode/decode]() function - SPARK-45290
The return status is incorrect in standalone mode - SPARK-44559
Improve error messages for Python UDTF arrow type casts - SPARK-43516
Basic estimator / transformer / model / evaluator interfaces and basic transformer / evaluator implementation - SPARK-44644
Improve error messages for creating Python UDTFs with pickling errors - SPARK-44681
Solve issue referencing github.com/apache/spark-connect-go as Go library - SPARK-44448
Wrong results for dense_rank() <= k from InferWindowGroupLimit and DenseRankLimitIterator - SPARK-44250
Implement classification evaluator - SPARK-42929
make mapInPandas / mapInArrow support "is_barrier" - SPARK-45797
Discrepancies in PySpark DataFrame Results When Using Window Functions and Filters
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