Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- SPARK-31934
Don't print out extra info from the docker image tool if passed --help - SPARK-31584
NullPointerException when parsing event log with InMemoryStore - SPARK-19297
Add ability for --packages tag to pull latest version - SPARK-33215
Speed up event log download by skipping UI rebuild - SPARK-33451
change 'spark.sql.adaptive.skewedPartitionThresholdInBytes' to 'spark.sql.adaptive.skewJoin.skewedPartitionThresholdInBytes' - SPARK-32659
Fix the data issue of inserted DPP on non-atomic type - SPARK-32078
Add a redirect to sql-ref from sql-reference - SPARK-32159
New udaf(Aggregator) has an integration bug with UnresolvedMapObjects serialization - SPARK-39176
Pyspark failed to serialize dates before 1970 in windows - SPARK-32130
Spark 3.0 json load performance is unacceptable in comparison of Spark 2.4 - SPARK-31703
Changes made by SPARK-26985 break reading parquet files correctly in BigEndian architectures (AIX + LinuxPPC64) - SPARK-32658
Partition length number overflow in `PartitionWriterStream` - SPARK-32115
Incorrect results for SUBSTRING when overflow - SPARK-31918
SparkR CRAN check gives a warning with R 4.0.0 on OSX - SPARK-32038
Regression in handling NaN values in COUNT(DISTINCT) - SPARK-32136
Spark producing incorrect groupBy results when key is a struct with nullable properties - SPARK-31990
Streaming's state store compatibility is broken - SPARK-32256
Hive may fail to detect Hadoop version when using isolated classloader - SPARK-32234
Spark sql commands are failing on select Queries for the orc tables - SPARK-32167
nullability of GetArrayStructFields is incorrect - SPARK-32168
DSv2 SQL overwrite incorrectly uses static plan with hidden partitions - SPARK-32220
Cartesian Product Hint cause data error
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