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- RATIS-319
Increase TestRaftServerJmx's timeout - RATIS-288
Pom cleanup/simplification - RATIS-299
Error when running start-all.sh in ratis-examples - RATIS-500
Remove GrpcClientProtocolClient request schedule debug log - RATIS-303
TestRaftStateMachineException is failing with NullPointerException - RATIS-304
StateMachine#readStateMachineData should return SMLogEntryProto - RATIS-301
provide a force option to reinitialize group from a client in a different group - RATIS-302
Bump the version of grpc-java and netty - RATIS-316
Centralize shaded thirdparty dependencies in a single artifact - RATIS-298
Update auto-common and log4j versions - RATIS-291
Raft Server should fail themselves when a raft storage directory fails - RATIS-290
Raft server should notify the state machine if no leader is assigned for a long time - RATIS-295
RaftLogWorker#flushWrites should also flush state machine data - RATIS-293
Add an api for RaftServer to return its current GroupId - RATIS-292
Provide a UUID based constructor for RaftGroupID and ClientID. - RATIS-289
Optimize readStateMachine by allowing to enqueue multiple read requests in parallel - RATIS-392
Ratis LogWorker should not exit on WriteLog errors/Timeout - RATIS-331
Ratis client should provide a method to wait for commit from all the replica - RATIS-330
Ensure licensing on ratis-thirdparty is kosher - RATIS-270
Replication ALL requests should not be replied from retry cache if they are delayed. - RATIS-341
Raft log index on the follower should be applied to state machine only after writing the log - RATIS-386
Raft Client Async API's should honor Retry Policy - RATIS-356
Add replication level for transactions committed by majority in watch api. - RATIS-404
Deadlock in ratis between appendEntries and RaftLogWorker - RATIS-431
RaftServer terminates while hitting FileNotFoundException while truncating a log - RATIS-511
Fail the requests the sliding window when a raft client hits GroupMismatchException - RATIS-478
Support custom grpc interceptors - RATIS-491
Ratis groupAdd should fail if the directory creation fails for the raft group directory fails - RATIS-294
Fix ratis-hadoop CVEs - RATIS-562
Add a configurable Purge after Snapshot Policy in Ratis - RATIS-517
Examples cannot be run after assembly - RATIS-513
Add missing modules to src and bin assembly xml
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