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- HDFS-16886
Fix documentation for StateStoreRecordOperations#get(Class ..., Query ...) - HDFS-15803
EC: Remove unnecessary method (getWeight) in StripedReconstructionInfo - HDFS-17187
add the tool that getting the hdfs file path through block id - HDFS-17011
Fix the metric of "HttpPort" at DataNodeInfo - HDFS-17022
Fix the exception message to print the Identifier pattern - HDFS-16988
Improve NameServices info at JournalNode web UI - HDFS-16897
Fix abundant Broken pipe exception in BlockSender - HDFS-16935
TestFsDatasetImpl.testReportBadBlocks brittle - HDFS-16480
Fix typo: indicies -> indices - HDFS-16882
RBF: Add cache hit rate metric in MountTableResolver#getDestinationForPath - HDFS-17325
Doc: Fix the documentation of fs expunge command in FileSystemShell.md - HDFS-17401
EC: Excess internal block may not be able to be deleted correctly when it's stored in fallback storage - HDFS-17017
Fix the issue of arguments number limit in report command in DFSAdmin. - HDFS-17221
Add NNThroughputBenchmark params to specify subcluster load in RBF - HDFS-16942
Send error to datanode if FBR is rejected due to bad lease - HDFS-16925
Namenode audit log to only include IP address of client - HDFS-16902
Add Namenode status to BPServiceActor metrics and improve logging in offerservice - HDFS-16901
RBF: Routers should propagate the real user in the UGI via the caller context - HDFS-16888
BlockManager#maxReplicationStreams, replicationStreamsHardLimit, blocksReplWorkMultiplier and PendingReconstructionBlocks#timeout should be volatile - HDFS-16822
HostRestrictingAuthorizationFilter should pass through requests if they don't access WebHDFS API - HDFS-16851
RBF: Add a utility to dump the StateStore - HDFS-16839
It should consider EC reconstruction work when we determine if a node is busy - HDFS-16872
Fix log throttling by declaring LogThrottlingHelper as static members - HDFS-15674
TestBPOfferService#testMissBlocksWhenReregister fails on trunk - HDFS-17326
Fix NameNode Spotbug - HDFS-17309
RBF: Fix Router Safemode check contidition error - HDFS-17306
RBF:Router should not return nameservices that does not enable observer nodes in RpcResponseHeaderProto - HDFS-15383
RBF: Disable watch in ZKDelegationSecretManager for performance - HDFS-15368
TestBalancerWithHANameNodes#testBalancerWithObserver failed occasionally - HDFS-16811
Support DecommissionBackoffMonitor parameters reconfigurable - HDFS-16809
EC striped block is not sufficient when doing in maintenance - HDFS-17003
Erasure Coding: invalidate wrong block after reporting bad blocks from datanode - HDFS-16764
ObserverNamenode handles addBlock rpc and throws a FileNotFoundException
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