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- HDFS-11558
BPServiceActor thread name is too long - HDFS-11512
Increase timeout on TestShortCircuitLocalRead#testSkipWithVerifyChecksum - HDFS-11390
Add process name to httpfs process - HDFS-11084
Add a regression test for sticky bit support of OIV ReverseXML processor - HDFS-12687
Client has recovered DN will not be removed from the “filed” - HDFS-11629
Revert HDFS-11431 hadoop-hdfs-client JAR does not include ConfiguredFailoverProxyProvider. - HDFS-11592
Closing a file has a wasteful preconditions in NameNode - HDFS-11787
After HDFS-11515, -du still throws ConcurrentModificationException - HDFS-11856
Ability to re-add Upgrading Nodes (remote) to pipeline for future pipeline updates - HDFS-11515
-du throws ConcurrentModificationException - HDFS-11466
Change dfs.namenode.write-lock-reporting-threshold-ms default from 1000ms to 5000ms - HDFS-11691
Add a proper scheme to the datanode links in NN web UI - HDFS-11648
Lazy construct the IIP pathname - HDFS-11687
Add new public encryption APIs required by Hive - HDFS-11486
Client close() should not fail fast if the last block is being decommissioned - HDFS-11711
DN should not delete the block On "Too many open files" Exception - HDFS-11817
A faulty node can cause a lease leak and NPE on accessing data - HDFS-11709
StandbyCheckpointer should handle an non-existing legacyOivImageDir gracefully - HDFS-11596
hadoop-hdfs-client jar is in the wrong directory in release tarball - HDFS-11829
Backport HDFS-8312 to branch 2.8.1 - HDFS-11714
Newly added NN storage directory won't get initialized and cause space exhaustion - HDFS-11674
reserveSpaceForReplicas is not released if append request failed due to mirror down and replica recovered - HDFS-11472
Fix inconsistent replica size after a data pipeline failure - HDFS-11379
DFSInputStream may infinite loop requesting block locations - HDFS-11609
Some blocks can be permanently lost if nodes are decommissioned while dead - HDFS-11742
Improve balancer usability after HDFS-8818 - HDFS-11661
GetContentSummary uses excessive amounts of memory
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