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- HDFS-3745
fsck prints that it's using KSSL even when it's in fact using SPNEGO for authentication - HDFS-11157
Enhance documentation around cpLock - HDFS-14912
Set dfs.image.string-tables.expanded default to false in branch-2.7 - HDFS-10977
Balancer should query NameNode with a timeout - HDFS-10829
Improve Testing for NN Lock Logging - HDFS-12641
Backport HDFS-11755 into branch-2.7 to fix a regression in HDFS-11445 - HDFS-13051
Fix dead lock during async editlog rolling if edit queue is full - HDFS-13770
dfsadmin -report does not always decrease "missing blocks (with replication factor 1)" metrics when file is deleted - HDFS-13174
hdfs mover -p /path times out after 20 min - HDFS-13996
Make HttpFS' ACLs RegEx configurable - HDFS-13999
Bogus missing block warning if the file is under construction when NN starts - HDFS-13977
NameNode can kill itself if it tries to send too many txns to a QJM simultaneously - HDFS-13486
Backport HDFS-11817 (A faulty node can cause a lease leak and NPE on accessing data) to branch-2.7 - HDFS-11422
Need a method to refresh the list of NN StorageDirectories after removal - HDFS-8520
Patch for PPC64 block size - HDFS-10614
Appended blocks can be closed even before IBRs from DataNodes - HDFS-10495
Block should be marked as missing if the all the replicas are on Decommissioned nodes. - HDFS-10475
Adding metrics for long FSNamesystem read and write locks - HDFS-9678
Standby NN sometimes does not clear needRollbackFsImage
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