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- HDFS-15268
Fix typo in HDFS for bkjournal - HDFS-15146
TestBalancerRPCDelay. testBalancerRPCDelayQpsDefault fails intermittently - HDFS-15323
StandbyNode fails transition to active due to insufficient transaction tailing - HDFS-15281
ZKFC ignores dfs.namenode.rpc-bind-host and uses dfs.namenode.rpc-address to bind to host address - HDFS-15099
[SBN Read] checkOperation(WRITE) should throw ObserverRetryOnActiveException on ObserverNode - HDFS-15386
ReplicaNotFoundException keeps happening in DN after removing multiple DN's data directories - HDFS-15404
ShellCommandFencer should expose info about source - HDFS-15185
StartupProgress reports edits segments until the entire startup completes - HDFS-15036
Active NameNode should not silently fail the image transfer - HDFS-15017
Remove redundant import of AtomicBoolean in NameNodeConnector. - HDFS-15499
Clean up httpfs/pom.xml to remove aws-java-sdk-s3 exclusion - HDFS-16034
Disk failures exceeding the DFIP threshold do not shutdown datanode - HDFS-14884
Add sanity check that zone key equals feinfo key while setting Xattrs - HDFS-14503
ThrottledAsyncChecker throws NPE during block pool initialization - HDFS-14792
[SBN read] StanbyNode does not come out of safemode while adding new blocks. - HDFS-14979
[Observer Node] Balancer should submit getBlocks to Observer Node when possible - HDFS-12491
Support wildcard in CLASSPATH for libhdfs - HDFS-15276
Concat on INodeRefernce fails with illegal state exception - HDFS-15293
Relax the condition for accepting a fsimage when receiving a checkpoint - HDFS-15421
IBR leak causes standby NN to be stuck in safe mode - HDFS-15302
Backport HDFS-15286 to branch-2.x - HDFS-15181
Webhdfs getTrashRoot() causes internal AccessControlException - HDFS-15012
NN fails to parse Edit logs after applying HDFS-13101
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