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- HADOOP-11303
Compilation problems due to Path in Java + Hadoop - HADOOP-9948
Add a config value to CLITestHelper to skip tests on Windows - HADOOP-10092
hadoop-2.2.0-src build fails owing to wrong maven-site-plugin version - HADOOP-10079
log a warning message if group resolution takes too long. - HADOOP-9976
Different versions of avro and avro-maven-plugin - HADOOP-10217
Unable to run 'hadoop' commands, after installing on Cygwin - HADOOP-10319
Unable to run Hadoop (2.2.0) commands on Cygwin (2.831) on Windows XP 3 - HADOOP-10164
Allow UGI to login with a known Subject - HADOOP-10206
Port WASB HBase support to Hadoop 2.0 - HADOOP-9478
Fix race conditions during the initialization of Configuration related to deprecatedKeyMap - HADOOP-10144
Error on build in windows 7 box - HADOOP-11325
Cannot start Dameons - HADOOP-11315
Cannot compile Hadoop Code - HADOOP-10020
disable symlinks temporarily - HADOOP-10022
Add support for per project https support - HADOOP-9761
ViewFileSystem#rename fails when using DistributedFileSystem - HADOOP-10012
Secure Oozie jobs fail with delegation token renewal exception in Namenode HA setup
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