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- SPARK-47240
SPIP: Structured Logging Framework for Apache Spark - SPARK-47213
Proposal about moving on from the Shepherd terminology in SPIPs to "Mentor" - SPARK-47212
When creating Jira please use the word "mentor" instead of "Shepherd" in SPIP - SPARK-46054
SPIP: Proposal to Adopt Google's Spark K8s Operator as Official Spark Operator - SPARK-45959
SPIP: Abusing DataSet.withColumn can cause huge tree with severe perf degradation - SPARK-45792
SPIP: ShuffleManager short name registration via SparkPlugin - SPARK-45170
Scala-specific improvements in Dataset[T] API - SPARK-44817
SPIP: Incremental Stats Collection - SPARK-44662
SPIP: Improving performance of BroadcastHashJoin queries with stream side join key on non partition columns - SPARK-44167
SPIP: Stored Procedures API for Catalogs - SPARK-44076
SPIP: Python Data Source API - SPARK-44042
SPIP: PySpark Test Framework - SPARK-42485
SPIP: Shutting down spark structured streaming when the streaming process completed current process - SPARK-42256
SPIP: Lazy Materialization for Parquet Read Performance Improvement - SPARK-39375
SPIP: Spark Connect - A client and server interface for Apache Spark - SPARK-36786
SPIP: Improving the compile time performance, by improving a couple of rules, from 24 hrs to under 8 minutes - SPARK-35801
SPIP: Row-level operations in Data Source V2 - SPARK-33164
SPIP: add SQL support to "SELECT * (EXCEPT someColumn) FROM .." equivalent to DataSet.dropColumn(someColumn) - SPARK-33152
SPIP: Constraint Propagation code causes OOM issues or increasing compilation time to hours - SPARK-32530
SPIP: Kotlin support for Apache Spark - SPARK-31357
DataSourceV2: Catalog API for view metadata - SPARK-29038
SPIP: Support Spark Materialized View - SPARK-29031
Materialized column to accelerate queries - SPARK-27006
SPIP: .NET bindings for Apache Spark - SPARK-26764
[SPIP] Spark Relational Cache - SPARK-26413
SPIP: RDD Arrow Support in Spark Core and PySpark - SPARK-26257
SPIP: Interop Support for Spark Language Extensions - SPARK-25994
SPIP: Property Graphs, Cypher Queries, and Algorithms - SPARK-25299
Use remote storage for persisting shuffle data - SPARK-24579
SPIP: Standardize Optimized Data Exchange between Spark and DL/AI frameworks - SPARK-24359
SPIP: ML Pipelines in R - SPARK-22229
SPIP: RDMA Accelerated Shuffle Engine - SPARK-20624
SPIP: Add better handling for node shutdown
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