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- YARN-7930
Add configuration to initialize RM with configured labels. - YARN-6636
Fair Scheduler: respect node labels at resource request level - YARN-4847
Add documentation for the Node Label features supported in 2.6 - YARN-4425
Pluggable sharing policy for Partition Node Label resources - YARN-4415
Scheduler Web Ui shows max capacity for the queue is 100% but when we submit application doesnt get assigned - YARN-3687
We should be able to remove node-label if there's no queue can use it. - YARN-3515
Support intra-queue non-exclusive container allocation within a LeafQueue - YARN-3506
Error handling on NM reporting invalid NodeLabels in distributed Node Label configuration - YARN-3486
Duplicate check for partitioned request on partitioned node - YARN-3093
Support load command from admin [Helps to load big set of labels] - YARN-2728
Support for disabling the Centralized NodeLabel validation in Distributed Node Label Configuration setup - YARN-2695
Support continuously looking reserved container with node labels - YARN-2499
Respect labels in preemption policy of fair scheduler - YARN-2497
Fair scheduler should support strict node labels
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