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- YARN-7930
Add configuration to initialize RM with configured labels. - YARN-6636
Fair Scheduler: respect node labels at resource request level - YARN-5342
Improve non-exclusive node partition resource allocation in Capacity Scheduler - YARN-4948
Support node labels store in zookeeper - YARN-4847
Add documentation for the Node Label features supported in 2.6 - YARN-4634
Scheduler UI/Metrics need to consider cases like non-queue label mappings - YARN-4588
Need to support Reservation for partitions other than DEFAULT_LABEL - YARN-4557
Fix improper Queues sorting in PartitionedQueueComparator when accessible-node-labels=* - YARN-4498
Application level node labels stats to be available in REST - YARN-4484
Available Resource calculation for a queue is not correct when used with labels - YARN-4425
Pluggable sharing policy for Partition Node Label resources - YARN-4415
Scheduler Web Ui shows max capacity for the queue is 100% but when we submit application doesnt get assigned - YARN-4405
Support node label store in non-appendable file system - YARN-4304
AM max resource configuration per partition to be displayed/updated correctly in UI and in various partition related metrics - YARN-4240
Add documentation for delegated-centralized node labels feature - YARN-4231
Node Label should support pluggable storage - YARN-4229
Support max-am-resource-percentage per label partition for User - YARN-4215
RMNodeLabels Manager Need to verify and replace node labels for the only modified Node Label Mappings in the request - YARN-4162
CapacityScheduler: Add resource usage by partition and queue capacity by partition to REST API - YARN-4140
RM container allocation delayed incase of app submitted to Nodelabel partition - YARN-4100
Add Documentation for Distributed and Delegated-Centralized Node Labels feature - YARN-4082
Container shouldn't be killed when node's label updated. - YARN-3964
Support NodeLabelsProvider at Resource Manager side - YARN-3940
Application moveToQueue should check NodeLabel permission - YARN-3930
FileSystemNodeLabelsStore should make sure edit log file closed when exception is thrown - YARN-3717
Expose app/am/queue's node-label-expression to RM web UI / CLI / REST-API - YARN-3716
Node-label-expression should be included by ResourceRequestPBImpl.toString - YARN-3687
We should be able to remove node-label if there's no queue can use it. - YARN-3686
CapacityScheduler should trim default_node_label_expression - YARN-3647
RMWebServices api's should use updated api from CommonNodeLabelsManager to get NodeLabel object - YARN-3609
Move load labels from storage from serviceInit to serviceStart to make it works with RM HA case. - YARN-3593
Add label-type and Improve "DEFAULT_PARTITION" in Node Labels Page - YARN-3583
Support of NodeLabel object instead of plain String in YarnClient side. - YARN-3581
Deprecate -directlyAccessNodeLabelStore in RMAdminCLI - YARN-3579
CommonNodeLabelsManager should support NodeLabel instead of string label name when getting node-to-label/label-to-label mappings - YARN-3565
NodeHeartbeatRequest/RegisterNodeManagerRequest should use NodeLabel object instead of String - YARN-3521
Support return structured NodeLabel objects in REST API - YARN-3515
Support intra-queue non-exclusive container allocation within a LeafQueue - YARN-3506
Error handling on NM reporting invalid NodeLabels in distributed Node Label configuration - YARN-3486
Duplicate check for partitioned request on partitioned node - YARN-3413
Node label attributes (like exclusivity) should settable via addToClusterNodeLabels but shouldn't be changeable at runtime - YARN-3362
Add node label usage in RM CapacityScheduler web UI - YARN-3361
CapacityScheduler side changes to support non-exclusive node labels - YARN-3356
Capacity Scheduler FiCaSchedulerApp should use ResourceUsage to track used-resources-by-label. - YARN-3354
Container should contains node-labels asked by original ResourceRequests - YARN-3345
Add non-exclusive node label API to RMAdmin protocol and NodeLabelsManager - YARN-3326
Support RESTful API for getLabelsToNodes - YARN-3216
Max-AM-Resource-Percentage should respect node labels - YARN-3215
Respect labels in CapacityScheduler when computing headroom - YARN-3214
Add non-exclusive node labels
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