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- TEZ-1618
LocalTaskSchedulerService.getTotalResources() and getAvailableResources() can get negative if JVM memory is larger than 2GB - TEZ-1591
Add multiDAG session test and move TestLocalMode to tez-tests - TEZ-1542
Local Mode crashes on concurrentModificationException - TEZ-1538
Tez Local Mode fails if "fs.defaultFS" is not set to be "file:///' in core-site.xml - TEZ-1485
Disable node blacklisting and ATS in AM for local mode - TEZ-1471
Additional supplement for TEZ local mode document - TEZ-1429
Avoid sysexit in the DAGAM in case of local mode - TEZ-1365
Session mode and ignore-lib-uris needs to be set for session mode - TEZ-1349
Add documentation for LocalMode usage - TEZ-1338
Support submission of multiple applications with LocalRunner from within the same JVM - TEZ-1304
Create execution underlying framework abstraction layer - TEZ-1298
Add parameterized constructor capabilities in ReflectionUtils - TEZ-1285
Add Utility for Modifying Environment Variables - TEZ-934
Tez Configuration changes for TezLocalRunner - TEZ-870
LocalContainerLauncher improvement - error handling, multiple tasks, Tez events - TEZ-717
Client changes to allow local mode DAG submission - TEZ-710
Get Tez Local-mode work - TEZ-709
LocalFetcher for the Uber-mode - TEZ-708
Avoid asking for new containers in uber-local mode - TEZ-707
Create LocalContainerLauncher
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