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- SQOOP-2870
Sqoop2: RESTiliency: Add tests for DriverHandler - SQOOP-2867
Sqoop2: ResTiliency: Define one single constant for all - SQOOP-2848
Sqoop2: RESTiliency: Simplify JobRequestHandler.getJobs similarly as was done for getLinks - SQOOP-2823
Sqoop2: RESTiliency: Remove repetitive try-catch block for accessing POST and PUT request - SQOOP-2822
Sqoop2: RESTiliency: Provide tests for Link POST action - SQOOP-2774
Sqoop2: Remove the notion of RolesBean - SQOOP-2772
Sqoop2: Remove the notion of PrincipalsBean - SQOOP-2771
Sqoop2: Remove the notion of SubmissionBean - SQOOP-2770
Sqoop2: Remove the notion of ConnectorsBeans - SQOOP-2769
Sqoop2: Remove the notion of JobsBeans - SQOOP-2768
Sqoop2: Remove the notion of LinksBeans - SQOOP-2698
Sqoop2: RESTiliency: Split the InvalidRESTCallsTest into independent test cases - SQOOP-2689
Sqoop2: RESTiliency: InvalidRESTCallsTest is using wrong order when serializing data to request - SQOOP-2688
Sqoop2: Provide utility method to safely retrieve value from JSONObject - SQOOP-2677
Sqoop2: RESTiliency: Refactore the one line try-catch statement in InvalidRESTTest - SQOOP-2673
Sqoop2: Remove the notion of LinksBeans and JobsBeans - SQOOP-2671
Sqoop2: Add client call to get all links by a connector - SQOOP-2670
Sqoop2: RESTiliency: Allow getting links by connector only for all - SQOOP-2669
Sqoop2: Drop Links and Jobs servlet - SQOOP-2548
Sqoop2: RESTiliency: Enforce strict connector names - SQOOP-2547
Sqoop2: RESTiliency: Provide REST tests for v1/connector servlet - SQOOP-2546
Sqoop2: RESTiliency: Unify behavior on getting details on non-existing connector - SQOOP-2545
Sqoop2: RESTiliency: Provide tests for non-existing end points - SQOOP-2544
Sqoop2: Drop connectors servlet - SQOOP-2507
Sqoop2: Do not use default Tomcat handlers for unsupported HTTP methods - SQOOP-2469
Sqoop2: Custom HTTP requests test base class
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