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- SPARK-9291
Conversion is applied twice on partitioned data sources - SPARK-8907
Speed up path construction in DynamicPartitionWriterContainer.outputWriterForRow - SPARK-8906
Move all internal data source related classes out of sources package - SPARK-8890
Reduce memory consumption for dynamic partition insert - SPARK-8888
Replace the hash map in DynamicPartitionWriterContainer.outputWriterForRow with java.util.HashMap - SPARK-8597
DataFrame partitionBy memory pressure scales extremely poorly - SPARK-8148
Do not use FloatType in partition column inference - SPARK-7591
FSBasedRelation interface tweaks - SPARK-6625
Add common string filters to data sources - SPARK-5658
Finalize DDL and write support APIs - SPARK-5603
Preinsert casting and renaming rule is needed in the Analyzer - SPARK-5595
In memory data cache should be invalidated after insert into/overwrite - SPARK-5568
Python API for the write support of the data source API - SPARK-5501
Write support for the data source API - SPARK-5184
Improve the performance of metadata operations - SPARK-5183
Document data source API - SPARK-5182
Partitioning support for tables created by the data source API - SPARK-4912
Persistent data source tables - SPARK-4574
Adding support for defining schema in foreign DDL commands.
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