Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- SPARK-49723
Add variant metrics to JSON Scan nodes and Project nodes containing variant-constructor expressions - SPARK-49591
Distinguish logical and physical types in variant spec - SPARK-49451
Allow duplicate keys in parse_json. - SPARK-49449
Remove string and binary from metadata in spec - SPARK-49443
Implement to_variant_object expression and make schema_of_variant expressions print OBJECT for for Variant Objects - SPARK-49141
Mark variant as hive incompatible data type - SPARK-49074
Fix cached Variant with column size greater than 128KB or individual variant larger than 2kb - SPARK-48994
Add support for interval types in the Variant spec - SPARK-48898
Functions to shred a Variant into components - SPARK-48834
Disable variant input/output from scalar UDFs - SPARK-48833
Support variant in `InMemoryTableScan` - SPARK-48587
Avoid storage amplification when accessing sub-Variant - SPARK-48495
Document planned approach to shredding - SPARK-48224
Disable variant from being a part of a map key - SPARK-48067
Fix Variant default columns for more complex default variants - SPARK-48051
Add Golden Table Tests for Variant from different engines - SPARK-48033
Support Generated Column expressions that are `RuntimeReplaceable` - SPARK-47922
Implement try_parse_json - SPARK-47903
Add remaining scalar types to the Python variant library - SPARK-47890
Add python and scala dataframe variant expression aliases. - SPARK-47867
Support Variant in JSON scan. - SPARK-47846
Add support for Variant schema in from_json - SPARK-47826
Add VariantVal for PySpark - SPARK-47822
Prohibit Hash expressions from hashing Variant type - SPARK-47821
Add is_variant_null expression - SPARK-47803
Support cast to variant. - SPARK-47775
Support remaining scalar types in the variant spec. - SPARK-47769
Add schema_of_variant_agg expression. - SPARK-47682
Support cast from variant. - SPARK-47681
Add schema_of_variant expression. - SPARK-47680
Add variant_explode expression. - SPARK-47569
Disallow comparing variant. - SPARK-47551
Add variant_get expression. - SPARK-47546
Improve parquet schema checks - SPARK-47451
Support to_json(variant) - SPARK-47366
Implement parse_json - SPARK-45827
Add Variant data type in Spark
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