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- SPARK-46729
Withdraw the recommendation of using Concurrent Mark Sweep (CMS) Garbage Collector - SPARK-46724
Update tuning.md to use java 17 docs - SPARK-46204
Fix `dev-run-integration-tests.sh` to use 17 for `JAVA_VERSION` - SPARK-45919
Use `record` to simplify Java class definition. - SPARK-45874
Remove Java version check from `IsolatedClientLoader` - SPARK-45831
Change to using the collection factory to create an immutable Java collection - SPARK-45802
Remove no longer needed Java majorVersion checks in `Platform` - SPARK-45624
Use `AccessibleObject#canAccess` instead of `AccessibleObject#isAccessible` - SPARK-45534
Use `java.lang.ref.Cleaner` instead of `finalize` for `RemoteBlockPushResolver` - SPARK-45533
Use `j.l.r.Cleaner` instead of `finalize` for `RocksDBIterator/LevelDBIterator` - SPARK-45530
Use `java.lang.ref.Cleaner` instead of `finalize` for `NioBufferedFileInputStream` - SPARK-45515
Use enhanced `switch` expressions to replace the regular `switch` statement - SPARK-45501
Use pattern matching for type checking and conversion - SPARK-45499
Replace `Reference#isEnqueued` with `Reference#refersTo` - SPARK-45482
Handle the usage of AccessControlContext and AccessController. - SPARK-45467
Replace `Proxy.getProxyClass()` with `Proxy.newProxyInstance().getClass` - SPARK-45392
Replace `Class.newInstance()` with `Class.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance()` - SPARK-45341
Make the sbt doc command execute successfully with Java 17 - SPARK-45328
Remove Hive support prior to 2.0.0 - SPARK-45309
Remove all SystemUtils.isJavaVersionAtLeast with JDK 9 - SPARK-45305
Remove JDK 8 workaround added SPARK-32999 - SPARK-45304
Remove test classloader workaround for SBT build - SPARK-45303
Remove JDK 8/11 workaround in KryoSerializerBenchmark - SPARK-45302
Remove PID communication between Python workers when no demon is used - SPARK-45301
Remove org.scala-lang scala-library added for JDK 11 workaround - SPARK-45300
Remove JDK 8 workaround in TimestampFormatterSuite - SPARK-45299
Remove JDK 8 workaround in UtilsSuite - SPARK-45298
Remove the workaround for JDK-8228469 in SPARK-31959 test - SPARK-45297
Remove workaround for dateformatter added in SPARK-31827 - SPARK-45296
Comment out unused JDK 11 related in dev/run-tests.py - SPARK-45295
Remove Utils.isMemberClass workaround for JDK 8 - SPARK-45294
Use JDK 17 in Binder integration for PySpark live notebooks - SPARK-45284
Update SparkR minimum SystemRequirements to Java 17 - SPARK-45281
Update BenchmarkBase to use Java 17 as the base version - SPARK-45277
Install Java 17 for Windows SparkR test - SPARK-45276
Replace Java 8 and Java 11 installed in the Dockerfile with Java - SPARK-44112
Drop Java 8 and 11 support
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