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- SPARK-48065
SPJ: allowJoinKeysSubsetOfPartitionKeys is too strict - SPARK-48012
SPJ: Support Transfrom Expressions for One Side Shuffle - SPARK-47612
Improve picking the side of partially clustered distribution accroding to partition size - SPARK-47094
SPJ : Dynamically rebalance number of buckets when they are not equal - SPARK-45652
SPJ: Handle empty input partitions after dynamic filtering - SPARK-45036
SPJ: Refactor logic to handle partially clustered distribution - SPARK-44659
SPJ: Include keyGroupedPartitioning in StoragePartitionJoinParams equality check - SPARK-44647
SPJ: Support SPJ when join key is subset of partition keys - SPARK-44641
SPJ: Results duplicated when SPJ partial-cluster and pushdown enabled but conditions unmet - SPARK-42454
SPJ: encapsulate all SPJ related parameters in BatchScanExec - SPARK-42040
SPJ: Introduce a new API for V2 input partition to report partition size - SPARK-42039
SPJ: Remove Option in KeyGroupedPartitioning#partitionValues - SPARK-42038
SPJ: Support partially clustered distribution - SPARK-41471
SPJ: Reduce Spark shuffle when only one side of a join is KeyGroupedPartitioning - SPARK-41470
SPJ: Spark shouldn't assume InternalRow implements equals and hashCode - SPARK-41413
SPJ: Avoid shuffle when partition keys mismatch, but join expressions are compatible - SPARK-41398
SPJ: Relax constraints on Storage-Partitioned Join when partition keys after runtime filtering do not match - SPARK-40946
SPJ: Introduce a new DataSource V2 interface SupportsPushDownClusterKeys - SPARK-37378
SPJ: Convert V2 Transform expressions into catalyst expressions and load their associated functions from V2 FunctionCatalog - SPARK-37377
SPJ: Initial implementation of Storage-Partitioned Join - SPARK-37376
SPJ: Introduce a new DataSource V2 interface HasPartitionKey - SPARK-37166
SPIP: Storage Partitioned Join
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