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- SPARK-39284
Implement Groupby.mad - SPARK-39246
Implement Groupby.skew - SPARK-39223
implement skew and kurt in Rolling/RollingGroupby/Expanding/ExpandingGroupby - SPARK-39129
impl Groupby.ewm - SPARK-39081
Impl DataFrame.resample and Series.resample - SPARK-38993
Impl DataFrame.boxplot and DataFrame.plot.box - SPARK-38907
Impl DataFrame.corrwith - SPARK-38844
impl Series.interpolate and DataFrame.interpolate - SPARK-38785
impl Series.ewm and DataFrame.ewm - SPARK-38774
impl Series.autocorr - SPARK-37472
Missing functionality in spark.pandas - SPARK-36968
ps.Series.dot raise "matrices are not aligned" if index is not same - SPARK-36946
Support time for ps.to_datetime - SPARK-36930
Support ps.MultiIndex.dtypes - SPARK-36818
Fix filtering a Series by a boolean Series - SPARK-36813
Implement ps.merge_asof - SPARK-36785
Fix ps.DataFrame.isin - SPARK-36771
Fix `pop` of Categorical Series - SPARK-36769
Improve `filter` of single-indexed DataFrame - SPARK-36762
Fix Series.isin when Series has NaN values - SPARK-36748
Introduce the 'compute.isin_limit' option - SPARK-36746
Refactor _select_rows_by_iterable in iLocIndexer to use Column.isin - SPARK-36742
Fix ps.to_datetime with plurals of keys like years, months, days - SPARK-36697
Fix dropping all columns of a DataFrame - SPARK-36671
Support Series.__and__ for Integral - SPARK-36655
Add `versionadded` for API added in Spark 3.3.0 - SPARK-36653
Implement Series.__xor__ - SPARK-36648
Implement __setitem__ of label-based MultiIndex - SPARK-36628
Implement __getitem__ of label-based MultiIndex - SPARK-36618
Support dropping rows of a single-indexed DataFrame - SPARK-36610
Add `thousands` argument to `ps.read_csv`. - SPARK-36609
Add `errors` argument for `ps.to_numeric`. - SPARK-36570
Investigate native support for raw data containing commas - SPARK-36569
Support errors='coerce' for ps.to_numeric - SPARK-36439
Implement DataFrame.join on key column - SPARK-36438
Support list-like Python objects for Series comparison - SPARK-36437
Enable binary operations with list-like Python objects - SPARK-36436
Implement 'weights' and 'axis' in sample at DataFrame and Series - SPARK-36435
Implement MultIndex.equal_levels - SPARK-36434
Implement DataFrame.lookup - SPARK-36403
Implement Index.putmask - SPARK-36402
Implement Series.combine - SPARK-36401
Implement Series.cov - SPARK-36399
Implement DataFrame.combine_first - SPARK-36397
Implement DataFrame.mode - SPARK-36396
Implement DataFrame.cov
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