Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- SPARK-33464
Add/remove (un)necessary cache and restructure GitHub Actions yaml - SPARK-33454
Add GitHub Action job for Hadoop 2 - SPARK-33180
Enables 'fail_if_no_tests' when reporting test results - SPARK-33069
Skip test result report if no JUnit XML files are found - SPARK-32695
Add 'build' and 'project/build.properties' into cache key of SBT and Zinc - SPARK-32682
Use workflow_dispatch to enable manual test triggers - SPARK-32645
Upload unit-tests.log as an artifact - SPARK-32606
Remove the fork of action-download-artifact in test_report.yml - SPARK-32605
Remove the fork of action-surefire-report in test_report.yml - SPARK-32520
Flaky Test: KafkaSourceStressSuite.stress test with multiple topics and partitions - SPARK-32497
Installs qpdf package for CRAN check in GitHub Actions - SPARK-32496
Include GitHub Action file as the changes in testing - SPARK-32493
Manually install R instead of using setup-r in GitHub Actions - SPARK-32491
Do not install SparkR in test-only mode in testing script - SPARK-32422
Don't skip pandas UDF tests in IntegratedUDFTestUtils - SPARK-32419
Leverage Conda environment at pip packaging test in GitHub Actions - SPARK-32408
Enable crossPaths back to prevent side effects - SPARK-32357
Publish failed and succeeded test reports in GitHub Actions - SPARK-32316
Test PySpark with Python 3.8 in Github Actions as well - SPARK-32297
Flaky Test: YarnClusterSuite 4 test cases - SPARK-32296
Flaky Test: submit a barrier ResultStage that requires more slots than current total under local-cluster mode - SPARK-32292
Run only relevant builds in parallel at Github Actions - SPARK-32287
Flaky Test: ExecutorAllocationManagerSuite.add executors default profile - SPARK-32266
Run smoke tests after a commit is pushed - SPARK-32264
More resources in Github Actions - SPARK-32255
Set jobs that runs periodically for other profile combinations - SPARK-32254
Reenable SparkSQLEnvSuite's "external listeners should be initialized with Spark classloader" - SPARK-32253
Make readability better in the test result logs - SPARK-32252
Enable doctests in run-tests.py back - SPARK-32250
Reenable MasterSuite's "Master should avoid dead loop while launching executor failed in Worker" - SPARK-32249
Run Github Actions builds in other branches as well - SPARK-32248
Recover JDK 11 builds in Github Actions - SPARK-32247
scipy installation fails with PyPy - SPARK-32245
Implement the base to run Spark tests in GitHun Actions
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