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- SPARK-34911
Fix code close issue in monitoring.md - SPARK-34898
Send ExecutorMetricsUpdate EventLog appropriately - SPARK-34488
Support task Metrics Distributions and executor Metrics Distributions in the REST API call for a specified stage - SPARK-32446
Add new executor metrics summary REST APIs and parameters - SPARK-31270
Expose executor memory metrics at the task detal, in the Stages tab - SPARK-31268
TaskEnd event with zero Executor Metrics when task duration less then poll interval - SPARK-27157
Add Executor level metrics to monitoring docs - SPARK-26399
Define query parameters to support various filtering conditions in REST API for overall stages - SPARK-26341
Expose executor memory metrics at the stage level, in the Stages tab - SPARK-25865
Add GC information to ExecutorMetrics - SPARK-24958
Add executors' process tree total memory information to heartbeat signals - SPARK-23432
Expose executor memory metrics in the web UI for executors - SPARK-23431
Expose the new executor memory metrics at the stage level - SPARK-23429
Add executor memory metrics to heartbeat and expose in executors REST API
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