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- SPARK-1945
Add full Java examples in MLlib docs - SPARK-1858
Update "third-party Hadoop distros" doc to list more distros - SPARK-1814
Splash page should include correct syntax for launching examples - SPARK-1567
Add language tabs to quick start guide - SPARK-1566
Consolidate the Spark Programming Guide with tabs for all languages - SPARK-1563
Add package-info.java and package.scala files for all packages that appear in docs - SPARK-1562
Exclude internal catalyst classes from scaladoc, or make them package private - SPARK-1558
[streaming] Update custom receiver guide with new Receiver API - SPARK-1554
Update doc overview page to not mention building if you get a pre-built distro - SPARK-1505
[streaming] Add 0.9 to 1.0 migration guide for streaming receiver - SPARK-1504
[streaming] Add deployment subsection to streaming - SPARK-1481
Add Naive Bayes to MLlib documentation - SPARK-1447
Update Java programming guide to explain Java 8 syntax - SPARK-1440
Generate JavaDoc instead of ScalaDoc for Java API - SPARK-1439
Aggregate Scaladocs across projects
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