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- REEF-1686
Create a variant of YarnClientConfiguration for Unmanaged AM - REEF-1681
Allow REEF Driver to run in unmanaged AM mode - REEF-1667
REEF-on-REEF example - REEF-1661
RejectedExecutionException thrown when closing the acceptor in NettyMessageTransport - REEF-1658
Gracefully shut down all threads at the end of the REEF job - REEF-1657
Give REEF threads better names and improve logging during the closing phase of REEF application - REEF-1656
Implement proper logging of threads still running at the end of the REEF process - REEF-1655
Close the driver restart manager on driver shutdown - REEF-1654
Implement graceful shutdown of Wake executor services - REEF-1651
Improve logging in REEF Remote Manager and related classes - REEF-1649
Improve logging in REEF job shutdown - REEF-1647
Implement timeout for FailClient.runInProcess() and other similar unit tests - REEF-1642
Check for singletons per REEFEnvironment, not per entire JVM process - REEF-1639
Refactor RunnableProcess and move State and related logic into a separate enum - REEF-1627
Assign name and thread group to each thread that manages local containers on the Driver side - REEF-1615
Create more unit tests to verify error handling in the driver launched via REEFEnvironment - REEF-1596
Add the ability to check the status of the REEF job launched directly via REEFEnvironment Driver. - REEF-1575
Get rid of global exception handlers and other process-global features in REEF - REEF-1574
Implement proper management of all threads running in REEF and its applications - REEF-1573
Split REEFLauncher into executable part and the Clock-running environment - REEF-1557
Refactor logic related to Evaluator state - REEF-1555
Refactor REEF Driver logic for code readability and add more javadocs - REEF-1545
Refactor HandlerContainer to improve safety, readability, and performance - REEF-1533
Make RuntimeClock more testable and create unit tests to check graceful and forceful shutdown of RuntimeClock - REEF-1527
Graceful shutdown of the RuntimeClock is not so graceful: unconditionally clears the event queue - REEF-1519
Improve readability of code and logs in REEF launcher
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