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Policy Validation: If resource levels are not valid for any hierarchy then checks about missing mandatory levels should be skipped.RANGER-513
Policy validation: resource hierarchies check does not work with single-node hierarchies as in HDFSRANGER-462
Policy validation: policy resource conflict signature check should be intra-serviceRANGER-459
Service def: Resource or Config list that is empty or contains duplicatesRANGER-444
Service-def validation: Detect and flag illegal resource hierarchiesRANGER-437
Policy validation: Creation of hive UDF policy failsRANGER-419
Policy validation: Assign generated name to a policy if one isn't specified before policy validation logicRANGER-401
REST API should return all of the the failure reasons contained in exception thrown by validationRANGER-365
Policy validation: only users with admin role should be able to create excludes policiesRANGER-359
Policy validation: resource uniqueness: store resource signature of a policy in database for faster checkRANGER-356
Policy validation: resource uniqueness: to guard against someone editing the resource value directly, we should auto-heal the hash signatures of resources that are used for uniqueness checkRANGER-354
Policy validation: Prevent creation/update of policies for the same resourceRANGER-350
Service: deletion: deny deletion if def is referenced elsewhere.RANGER-349
Service def: deletion: deny deletion if def is referenced elsewhere.RANGER-311
Turning on new validation rules on an existing system/policies could cause problems. We need a way to mitigate those possible problems.RANGER-310
Validation: validate context enhancers details in policies and service defRANGER-298
All validations: validate that version of entity matches its current version to avoid loosing changes due to stale update.RANGER-290
Policy validation: validate policy information about conditions against condition definitionRANGER-285
Service validation: validate the data values sent in for parameters.
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