Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- PIG-5332
Implement auto parallelism for pig on spark - PIG-5241
Specify the hdfs path directly to spark and avoid the unnecessary download and upload in SparkLauncher.java - PIG-5240
Fix TestPigRunner#simpleMultiQueryTest3 in spark mode for wrong inputStats - PIG-5239
Investigate why there are duplicated A[3,4] inTestLocationInPhysicalPlan#test in spark mode - PIG-5192
Remove schema tuple reference overhead for replicate join hashmap in POFRJoinSpark - PIG-4809
Implement to collect metric data like getSMMSpillCount() in SparkJobStats - PIG-4746
Ensure spark can be run as PIG action in Oozie - PIG-4660
Add Spark Unit Tests for SparkPigStats - PIG-4621
Enable Illustrate in spark - PIG-4575
Pass value to MR Partitioners in Spark engine - PIG-4323
PackageConverter hanging in Spark - PIG-4313
StackOverflowError in LIMIT operation on Spark - PIG-4228
SchemaTupleBackend error when working on a Spark 1.1.0 cluster
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