Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- PHOENIX-5317
Upserting rows into child views with pk fails when the base view has an index on it. - PHOENIX-4563
Adding a pk column to a base table that has a child view that has added its own pk column of a different data type should not be allowed - PHOENIX-4555
Only mark view as updatable if rows cannot overlap with other updatable views - PHOENIX-3100
Disallow creation of index on table/view with child views - PHOENIX-2795
Support auto partition for views - PHOENIX-2791
Support append only schema declaration - PHOENIX-2156
Support drop of column from table with views - PHOENIX-2114
Implement PTable.getParentName() correctly for views - PHOENIX-2104
Allow views to extend base table's PK even if last PK col is variable lengthnly if last PK column is fixed length) - PHOENIX-2054
Automatically add columns added to a view to all its child views - PHOENIX-2051
Link record is in the format CHILD-PARENT for phoenix views and it has to scan the entire table to find the parent suffix. - PHOENIX-1507
Allow arbitrary SELECT expressions in VIEW definition - PHOENIX-1505
Support defining a VIEW over multiple tables - PHOENIX-1504
Support adding column to a table that has views - PHOENIX-1499
VIEW indexes are not kept in sync when parent table updated directly - PHOENIX-1367
VIEW derived from another VIEW doesn't use parent VIEW indexes - PHOENIX-978
Allow views to extend base table's PK (only if last PK column is fixed length) - PHOENIX-654
Minimize projection into scan for VIEW
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