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- OFBIZ-7245
Rename .groovy file as per best practises - OFBIZ-7244
relocate .groovy files in the specialpurpose/webpos component - OFBIZ-7243
relocate .groovy files in the specialpurpose/scrum component - OFBIZ-7242
relocate .groovy files in the specialpurpose/passport component - OFBIZ-7241
relocate .groovy files in the specialpurpose/lucene component - OFBIZ-7240
relocate .groovy files in the specialpurpose/hhfacilit component - OFBIZ-7239
relocate .groovy files in the specialpurpose/googlebase component - OFBIZ-7238
relocate .groovy files in the specialpurpose/example component - OFBIZ-7237
relocate .groovy files in the specialpurpose/ecommerce component - OFBIZ-7236
relocate .groovy files in the specialpurpose/ebaystore component - OFBIZ-7235
relocate .groovy files in the specialpurpose/ebay component - OFBIZ-7234
relocate .groovy files in the specialpurpose/birt component - OFBIZ-7233
relocate .groovy files in the specialpurpose/bi component - OFBIZ-7232
relocate .groovy files in the specialpurpose/assetmaint component - OFBIZ-7231
relocate .groovy files in the framework/common component - OFBIZ-7230
relocate .groovy files in the workeffort component - OFBIZ-7229
relocate .groovy files in the product component - OFBIZ-7228
relocate .groovy files in the party component - OFBIZ-7227
relocate .groovy files in the order component - OFBIZ-7226
relocate .groovy files in the marketing component - OFBIZ-7225
relocate .groovy files in the manufacturing component - OFBIZ-7224
relocate .groovy files in the humanres component - OFBIZ-7223
relocate .groovy files in the content component - OFBIZ-7222
relocate .groovy files in the commonext component - OFBIZ-7221
relocate .groovy files in the framework/webtools component - OFBIZ-7219
relocate .groovy files in the accounting component
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