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- NIFI-6689
nf-parameter-contexts.js?1.10.0-SNAPSHOT:1717 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'referencingComponents' of undefined - NIFI-6671
UI:Parameters listed in "Reference parameter..." drop-down not listed alphabetically - NIFI-6659
Create new parameter context option from process group config opens the new param context dialog in a read-only state. - NIFI-6644
UI: Account for user permissions when showing the option to convert props to params - NIFI-6641
UI:Parameter Context dialog needs to support non-editable scenario - NIFI-6637
UI - Display the parameter context UUID - NIFI-6634
UI - Indicate variable are no longer recommended and favor parameters - NIFI-6632
UI - Indicate to the user in the Add and Edit Parameter dialogs that the value field does not support EL or Param references - NIFI-6630
Add a "Go To" button in property dialog that goes to a referenced parameter - NIFI-6629
Usage alignment issue for invalid CS - NIFI-6625
Updating a large number of parameters causes the usage listing alignment to be pushed down - NIFI-6623
Support linking to unauthorized components from referencing components - NIFI-6622
CLONE - Implement Parameter Context Backend - NIFI-6612
Parameters context menu item - NIFI-6608
UI: Reporting Task Controller Services should not show that Parameters are supported - NIFI-6607
UI: State of referencing processors in Parameter Context dialog do not update after "Apply" - NIFI-6606
User should not be able to select to configure a PG with a parameter context for which they do not have read permissions - NIFI-6602
Parameters: "Apply" button should be greyed out if no changes have been - NIFI-6558
Add documentation for Parameters - NIFI-6506
UI - Allow property values to be converted into parameters - NIFI-6418
UI - Need property editor that does not support parameters - NIFI-6384
Provide auditing of changes to Parameters - NIFI-6382
Ensure proper integration between NiFi & NiFi Registry with respect to Parameters - NIFI-6381
Make Parameters and Parameter Contexts searchable in UI - NIFI-6380
Implement Parameter Context Backend - NIFI-6364
CLI - Add commands to interact with parameter contexts - NIFI-6346
UI - Allow paramter reference within EL - NIFI-6345
UI - Distinguish nfpr and nfel - NIFI-6290
UI - Support parameter reference when property contains allowable values - NIFI-6282
UI - create parameter context - NIFI-6277
UI - Allow parameters to be referenced in component configuration
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