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- METRON-1739
UDP packets are not handled - METRON-1738
Pcap directories should have correct permissions - METRON-1737
Document Job cleanup - METRON-1735
Empty print status option causes NPE - METRON-1734
Src and Dst port filters are incorrect after changing to empty - METRON-1733
PCAP UI - PCAP queries don't work on Safari - METRON-1732
Fix job status liveness bug and parallelize finalizer file writing - METRON-1731
PCAP - Escape colons in output dir names - METRON-1728
Handle null values in config in Pcap backend more gracefully - METRON-1726
Refactor PcapTopologyIntegrationTest - METRON-1725
Add ability to specify YARN queue for pcap jobs - METRON-1723
PCAP UI - Unable to select/copy from packets details in PCAP query panel - METRON-1722
PcapCLI should print progress to stdout - METRON-1721
New default input path is wrong in pcap CLI - METRON-1720
Better error messages when there are no results or wireshark is not installed - METRON-1718
Add tests to handle different input parameter values - METRON-1713
PCAP UI - Add a way to kill a pcap job - METRON-1712
PCAP UI - Input validation - METRON-1702
Reload a running job in the UI - METRON-1700
Create REST endpoint to get job configuration - METRON-1696
Pcap parser fails to write pacap sequence file to hdfs on kerberized cluster - METRON-1693
Fix Pcap CLI local FS finalizer - METRON-1691
REST should limit the number of Pcap jobs a user can submit - METRON-1690
Add more context to PcapJob JobStatus - METRON-1686
Create stop job endpoint for Pcap queries - METRON-1685
Retrieve Pcap results in raw binary format - METRON-1683
PCAP UI - Fix the download progress bar - METRON-1676
PCAP UI - Add data range selector to the filter bar - METRON-1675
PCAP UI - Introduce the paging capability - METRON-1674
Create REST endpoint for job status abstraction - METRON-1671
Create PCAP UI - METRON-1662
PCAP UI - Downloading PCAP page files - METRON-1661
Create Pcap Query Filter endpoint - METRON-1641
Enable Pcap jobs to be submitted asynchronously - METRON-1638
Retrieve Pcap results in pdml format - METRON-1614
Create job status abstraction - METRON-1562
Enable Kerberos in REST for YARN and MR jobs - METRON-1560
Update MPack to support Pcap panel - METRON-1558
Enable paging through Pcap result sets - METRON-1557
PcapJob should be asynchronous - METRON-1555
Update REST to run YARN and MR jobs
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