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- This issue can no longer be opened
- HUDI-8845Add FileFormatUtils API to fetch records for set of columns
- HUDI-8813Support identity expression with column stats EI
- HUDI-8812Support Partition stats, column stats, bloom filters creation using SQL
- HUDI-8768Support bloom filter options like numHashFunctions and fpp with ExpressionIndex
- HUDI-8745Fix gaps around hoodie.datasource.insert.dup.policy interplay with RLI or secondary index
- HUDI-8705Automatically drop secondary index if record index is disabled or dropped
- HUDI-8649Refactor code in ExpressionIndexSupport to avoid duplicate code
- HUDI-8517Extend secondary index to work as non-global index
- HUDI-8334Write functional tests for functional index for various write operations
- HUDI-8263Add validation for functional index in HoodieMetadataTableValidator
- HUDI-8164Chain multiple indices support in HoodieFileIndex
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