Export - CSV (All fields)
Export - CSV (Current fields)
- HIVE-28254
CBO (Calcite Return Path): Multiple DISTINCT leads to wrong results - HIVE-22748
Remove disabling of IdentityProjectRemover transformation for Return Path - HIVE-22638
Fix insert statement issue with return path - HIVE-22536
Improve return path enabling/disabling - HIVE-22369
Handle HiveTableFunctionScan at return path - HIVE-16512
Join fails on operator return path on CBO - HIVE-16492
Create view doesn't work with Calcite Return path - HIVE-14611
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator(Calcite Return Path): Support Tablesample clause - HIVE-14610
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator(Calcite Return Path): Fix wrong result in input30 - HIVE-14594
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator(Calcite Return Path): Fix wrong result in join_filters_overlap - HIVE-14590
CBO (Calcite Return Path) Incorrect result set when limit is present in one of the union branches - HIVE-14565
CBO (Calcite Return Path) Handle field access for nested column - HIVE-14562
CBO (Calcite Return Path) Wrong results for limit + offset - HIVE-14522
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator(Calcite Return Path): Fix test failure for auto_join_filters - HIVE-14442
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator(Calcite Return Path): Wrong result/plan in group by with hive.map.aggr=false - HIVE-14396
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): TestCliDriver count.q failure - HIVE-13005
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): RexNode convert(ExprNodeConstantDesc literal) decimal support bug - HIVE-12924
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): TestCliDriver groupby_ppr_multi_distinct.q failure - HIVE-12923
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): TestCliDriver groupby_grouping_sets4.q failure - HIVE-12806
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): MiniTezCliDriver vector_auto_smb_mapjoin_14.q failure - HIVE-12805
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): MiniTezCliDriver skewjoin.q failure - HIVE-12803
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): MiniTezCliDriver count.q failure - HIVE-12802
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): MiniTezCliDriver.vector_join_filters.q failure - HIVE-12798
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): MiniTezCliDriver.vector* queries failures due to NPE in Vectorizer.onExpressionHasNullSafes() - HIVE-12518
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): fix test failure for groupby_resolution.q - HIVE-12335
CBO (Calcite Return Path): Support for unique join - HIVE-12305
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): UDAF can not pull up constant expressions - HIVE-12301
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): fix test failure for udf_percentile.q - HIVE-12297
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path) : dealing with '$' in typeInfo - HIVE-12272
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path) : columnPruner prunes everything when union is the last operator before FS - HIVE-12203
CBO (Calcite Return Path): groupby_grouping_id2.q returns wrong results - HIVE-11907
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): fix TestJdbcDriver2 - HIVE-11896
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): deal with hive default partition when inserting data - HIVE-11895
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): fix udaf_percentile_approx_23.q - HIVE-11894
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): correct table column name in CTAS queries - HIVE-11646
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): fix multiple window spec for PTF operator - HIVE-11629
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path) : fix the filter expressions for full outer join and right outer join - HIVE-11623
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): fix the tableAlias for ReduceSink operator - HIVE-11614
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): ctas after order by has problem - HIVE-11597
[CBO new return path] Handling of strings of zero-length - HIVE-11557
CBO (Calcite Return Path): Convert to flat AND/OR - HIVE-11480
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): char/varchar as input to GenericUDAF - HIVE-11465
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): fix stringToMap - HIVE-11445
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path) : groupby distinct does not work - HIVE-11437
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path) : dealing with insert into - HIVE-11436
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path) : dealing with empty char - HIVE-11416
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): Groupby Optimizer assumes the schema can match after removing RS and GBY - HIVE-11409
CBO: Calcite Operator To Hive Operator (Calcite Return Path): add SEL before UNION - HIVE-11391
CBO (Calcite Return Path): Add CBO tests with return path on - HIVE-11390
CBO (Calcite Return Path): Fix table alias propagation for windowing
[{"id":-1,"name":"My open issues","jql":"assignee = currentUser() AND resolution = Unresolved order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":true},{"id":-2,"name":"Reported by me","jql":"reporter = currentUser() order by created DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":true},{"id":-4,"name":"All issues","jql":"order by created DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-5,"name":"Open issues","jql":"resolution = Unresolved order by priority DESC,updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-9,"name":"Done issues","jql":"statusCategory = Done order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-3,"name":"Viewed recently","jql":"issuekey in issueHistory() order by lastViewed DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-6,"name":"Created recently","jql":"created >= -1w order by created DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-7,"name":"Resolved recently","jql":"resolutiondate >= -1w order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false},{"id":-8,"name":"Updated recently","jql":"updated >= -1w order by updated DESC","isSystem":true,"sharePermissions":[],"requiresLogin":false}]