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- HIVE-13747
NullPointerException thrown by Executors causes job can't be finished - HIVE-13573
[Spark Branch] ClassNotFoundException occurs during query case with group by and UDF defined - HIVE-11267
Combine equavilent leaf works in SparkWork[Spark Branch] - HIVE-10854
Make HIVE-10001 work with Spark [Spark Branch] - HIVE-10850
Followup for HIVE-10550, check performance w.r.t. persistence level [Spark Branch] - HIVE-10338
Fix test failures after last merge from trunk [Spark Branch] - HIVE-10287
Implement Hybrid Hybrid Grace Hash Join for Spark Branch [Spark Branch] - HIVE-10084
Improve common join performance [Spark Branch] - HIVE-10060
Provide more informative stage description in Spark Web UI [Spark Branch] - HIVE-10052
HiveInputFormat implementations getsplits may lead to memory leak.[Spark Branch] - HIVE-9542
SparkSessionImpl calcualte wrong cores number in TestSparkCliDriver [Spark Branch] - HIVE-9540
Enable infer_bucket_sort_dyn_part.q for TestMiniSparkOnYarnCliDriver test. [Spark Branch] - HIVE-9313
thrift.transport.TTransportException [Spark Branch] - HIVE-9295
Cleanup code for getting spark job progress and metrics - HIVE-9294
Improve replication factor of small table file given big table partitions [Spark branch] - HIVE-9198
Hive reported exception because that hive's derby version conflict with spark's derby version [Spark Branch] - HIVE-9169
UT: set hive.support.concurrency to true for spark UTs - HIVE-9103
Support backup task for join related optimization [Spark Branch] - HIVE-9089
Error when cleaning up in spark.log [Spark Branch] - HIVE-9045
Choosing right preference between map join and bucket map join [Spark Branch] - HIVE-9017
Clean up temp files of RSC [Spark Branch] - HIVE-8878
Downgrade guava version to be consistent with Hive and the rest of Hadoop [Spark Branch] - HIVE-8790
UT: fix hook_context_cs test case - HIVE-8505
UTs: create missing output files for some tests under clientpositive/spark - HIVE-8504
UT: fix bucket_num_reducers test - HIVE-8503
UT: add TestSparkMinimrCliDriver to run UTs that use HDFS - HIVE-7894
Research Hive dependency on MR distributed cache[Spark Branch] - HIVE-7559
StarterProject: Move configuration from SparkClient to HiveConf [Spark Branch] - HIVE-7328
Refactoring: make Hive reduce side data processing reusable [Spark Branch]
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