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- HIVE-20259
Cleanup of results cache directory - HIVE-20250
Option to allow external tables to use query results cache - HIVE-20242
Query results cache: Improve ability of queries to use pending query results - HIVE-19892
Disable query results cache for for HiveServer2 doAs=true - HIVE-19154
Poll notification events to invalidate the results cache - HIVE-19138
Results cache: allow queries waiting on pending cache entries to check cache again if pending query fails - HIVE-19127
Concurrency fixes in QueryResultsCache - HIVE-19096
query result cache interferes with explain analyze - HIVE-18961
Error in results cache when query has identifiers with spaces - HIVE-18909
Metrics for results cache - HIVE-18899
Separate FetchWork required for each query that uses the results cache - HIVE-18855
Fix unit test TestMiniLlapLocalCliDriver.testCliDriver[results_cache_1] - HIVE-18846
Query results cache: Allow queries to refer to the pending results of a query that has not finished yet - HIVE-18609
Results cache invalidation based on ACID table updates
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