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- HDFS-12912
[READ] Fix configuration and implementation of LevelDB-based alias maps - HDFS-12905
[READ] Handle decommissioning and under-maintenance Datanodes with Provided storage. - HDFS-12903
[READ] Fix closing streams in ImageWriter - HDFS-12894
[READ] Skip setting block count of ProvidedDatanodeStorageInfo on DN registration update - HDFS-12893
[READ] Support replication of Provided blocks with non-default topologies. - HDFS-12887
[READ] Allow Datanodes with Provided volumes to start when blocks with the same id exist locally - HDFS-12885
Add visibility/stability annotations - HDFS-12874
[READ] Documentation for provided storage - HDFS-12809
[READ] Fix the randomized selection of locations in {{ProvidedBlocksBuilder}}. - HDFS-12789
[READ] Image generation tool does not close an opened stream - HDFS-12779
[READ] Allow cluster id to be specified to the Image generation tool - HDFS-12778
[READ] Report multiple locations for PROVIDED blocks - HDFS-12777
[READ] Reduce memory and CPU footprint for PROVIDED volumes. - HDFS-12776
[READ] Increasing replication for PROVIDED files should create local replicas - HDFS-12775
[READ] Fix reporting of Provided volumes - HDFS-12713
[READ] Refactor FileRegion and BlockAliasMap to separate out HDFS metadata and PROVIDED storage metadata - HDFS-12712
[9806] Code style cleanup - HDFS-12685
[READ] FsVolumeImpl exception when scanning Provided storage volume - HDFS-12671
[READ] Test NameNode restarts when PROVIDED is configured - HDFS-12665
[AliasMap] Create a version of the AliasMap that runs in memory in the Namenode (leveldb) - HDFS-12607
[READ] Even one dead datanode with PROVIDED storage results in ProvidedStorageInfo being marked as FAILED - HDFS-12605
[READ] TestNameNodeProvidedImplementation#testProvidedDatanodeFailures fails after rebase - HDFS-12591
[READ] Implement LevelDBFileRegionFormat - HDFS-12584
[READ] Fix errors in image generation tool from latest rebase - HDFS-12289
[READ] HDFS-12091 breaks the tests for provided block reads - HDFS-12093
[READ] Share remoteFS between ProvidedReplica instances. - HDFS-12091
[READ] Check that the replicas served from a {{ProvidedVolumeImpl}} belong to the correct external storage - HDFS-11902
[READ] Merge BlockFormatProvider and FileRegionProvider. - HDFS-11792
[READ] Test cases for ProvidedVolumeDF and ProviderBlockIteratorImpl - HDFS-11791
[READ] Test for increasing replication of provided files. - HDFS-11703
[READ] Tests for ProvidedStorageMap - HDFS-11673
[READ] Handle failures of Datanode with PROVIDED storage - HDFS-11663
[READ] Fix NullPointerException in ProvidedBlocksBuilder - HDFS-11653
[READ] ProvidedReplica should return an InputStream that is bounded by its length - HDFS-11640
[READ] Datanodes should use a unique identifier when reading from external stores - HDFS-11190
[READ] Namenode support for data stored in external stores. - HDFS-10706
[READ] Add tool generating FSImage from external store - HDFS-10675
[READ] Datanode support to read from external stores.
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