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- HDFS-12470
DiskBalancer: Some tests create plan files under system directory - HDFS-11358
DiskBalancer: Report command supports reading nodes from host file - HDFS-11038
DiskBalancer: support running multiple commands in single test - HDFS-11037
DiskBalancer: redirect stdout/stderr stream for easy tests - HDFS-10949
DiskBalancer: deprecate TestDiskBalancer#setVolumeCapacity - HDFS-10904
Need a new Result state for DiskBalancerWorkStatus to indicate the final Plan step errors and stuck rebalancing - HDFS-10900
DiskBalancer: Complete the documents for the report command - HDFS-10871
DiskBalancerWorkItem should not import jackson relocated by htrace - HDFS-10821
DiskBalancer: Report command support with multiple nodes - HDFS-10813
DiskBalancer: Add the getNodeList method in Command - HDFS-10808
DiskBalancer does not execute multi-steps plan-redux - HDFS-10737
disk balancer add volume path to report command - HDFS-10681
DiskBalancer: query command should report Plan file path apart from PlanID - HDFS-10633
DiskBalancer : Add the description for the new setting dfs.disk.balancer.plan.threshold.percent in HDFSDiskbalancer.md - HDFS-10600
PlanCommand#getThrsholdPercentage should not use throughput value. - HDFS-10599
DiskBalancer: Execute CLI via Shell - HDFS-10598
DiskBalancer does not execute multi-steps plan. - HDFS-10588
False alarm in datanode log - ERROR - Disk Balancer is not enabled - HDFS-10580
DiskBalancer : Make use of unused methods in GreedyPlanner to print debug info - HDFS-10567
Improve plan command help message - HDFS-10566
Submit plan request should throw exception if Datanode is in non-REGULAR status. - HDFS-10562
DiskBalancer: update documentation on how to report issues and debug - HDFS-10560
DiskBalancer: Reuse ObjectMapper instance to improve the performance - HDFS-10559
DiskBalancer: Use SHA1 for Plan ID - HDFS-10558
DiskBalancer: Print the full path to plan file - HDFS-10553
DiskBalancer: Rename Tools/DiskBalancer class to Tools/DiskBalancerCLI - HDFS-10514
Augment QueryDiskBalancerPlan to return storage id/type of source/dest volumes - HDFS-9850
DiskBalancer : Explore removing references to FsVolumeSpi - HDFS-9849
DiskBalancer : reduce lock path in shutdown code - HDFS-9550
DiskBalancer: Add Run Command - HDFS-9462
DiskBalancer: Add Scan Command
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