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- HDDS-11833
Return NotImplemented for S3 put-object-acl request - HDDS-11691
Support object tags in ObjectEndpointStreaming#put - HDDS-11532
Sort multipart uploads on ListMultipartUploads response - HDDS-11530
Support listMultipartUploads max uploads and markers - HDDS-10775
Support bucket ownership verification - HDDS-10655
Support PutObjectTagging, GetObjectTagging, and DeleteObjectTagging - HDDS-10653
Support custom metadata for MPU key - HDDS-10645
Support x-amz-metadata-directive in CopyObject - HDDS-10640
Support x-amz-mp-parts-count for MPU key - HDDS-10633
Support Content-MD5 header for checking object integrity when uploading object - HDDS-10435
Support S3 object tags for existing requests - HDDS-1997
Support copy-source-if-(un)modified-since headers for MPU key creation with copy - HDDS-1942
Support copy during S3 multipart upload part creation - HDDS-1328
Add a new API getS3Bucket - HDDS-1181
Provide ability to export getSecret to a JCEKS file - HDDS-1172
Create robot tests and documentation to use s3g via s3a fs - HDDS-1054
List Multipart uploads in a bucket - HDDS-792
Use md5 hash as ETag for Ozone S3 objects - HDDS-787
UI page to show all the buckets for a user - HDDS-761
Create S3 subcommand to run S3 related operations - HDDS-745
Add robot tests for S3Gateway API's using curl calls - HDDS-607
Support S3 testing via MiniOzoneCluster
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