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- FLINK-34500
Release Testing: Verify FLINK-33261 Support Setting Parallelism for Table/SQL Sources - FLINK-34452
Release Testing: Verify FLINK-15959 Add min number of slots configuration to limit total number of slots - FLINK-34399
Release Testing: Verify FLINK-33644 Make QueryOperations SQL serializable - FLINK-34396
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-32775 Support yarn.provided.lib.dirs to add parent directory to classpath - FLINK-34395
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-32514 Support using larger checkpointing interval when source is processing backlog - FLINK-34394
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-33028 Make expanding behavior of virtual metadata columns configurable - FLINK-34393
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-20767 Add nested field support for SupportsFilterPushDown - FLINK-34392
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-33146 Unify the Representation of TaskManager Location in REST API and Web UI - FLINK-34391
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-15959 Add min number of slots configuration to limit total number of slots - FLINK-34390
Release Testing: Verify FLINK-33325 Built-in cross-platform powerful java profiler - FLINK-34388
Release Testing: Verify FLINK-28915 Support artifact fetching in Standalone and native K8s application mode - FLINK-34387
Release Testing: Verify FLINK-33695 Introduce TraceReporter and use it to create checkpointing and recovery traces - FLINK-34384
Release Testing: Verify FLINK-33735 Improve the exponential-delay restart-strategy - FLINK-34382
Release Testing: Verify FLINK-33625 Support System out and err to be redirected to LOG or discarded - FLINK-34377
Release Testing: Verify FLINK-33297 Support standard YAML for FLINK configuration - FLINK-34367
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-34027 AsyncScalarFunction for asynchronous scalar function support - FLINK-34356
Release Testing: Verify FLINK-33768 Support dynamic source parallelism inference for batch jobs - FLINK-34355
Release Testing: Verify FLINK-34054 Support named parameters for functions and procedures - FLINK-34354
Release Testing: Verify FLINK-34037 Improve Serialization Configuration and Usage in Flink - FLINK-34351
Release Testing: Verify FLINK-33397 Support Configuring Different State TTLs using SQL Hint - FLINK-34349
Release Testing: Verify FLINK-34219 Introduce a new join operator to support minibatch - FLINK-34348
Release Testing: Verify FLINK-20281 Window aggregation supports changelog stream input - FLINK-34346
Release Testing: Verify FLINK-24024 Support session Window TVF - FLINK-34328
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-34037 Improve Serialization Configuration And Usage In Flink - FLINK-34310
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-33325 Built-in cross-platform powerful java profiler - FLINK-34309
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-33315 Optimize memory usage of large StreamOperator - FLINK-34308
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-33625 Support System out and err to be redirected to LOG or discarded - FLINK-34307
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-33972 Enhance and synchronize Sink API to match the Source API - FLINK-34306
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-25857 Add committer metrics to track the status of committables - FLINK-34305
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-33261 Support Setting Parallelism for Table/SQL Sources - FLINK-34304
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-34219 Introduce a new join operator to support minibatch - FLINK-34303
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-34054 Support named parameters for functions and procedures - FLINK-34302
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-33644 Make QueryOperations SQL serializable - FLINK-34301
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-20281 Window aggregation supports changelog stream input - FLINK-34300
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-24024 Support session Window TVF - FLINK-34299
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-33203 Adding a separate configuration for specifying Java Options of the SQL Gateway - FLINK-34298
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-33397 Support Configuring Different State TTLs using SQL Hint - FLINK-34297
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-34079 Migrate string configuration key to ConfigOption - FLINK-34296
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-33581 Deprecate configuration getters/setters that return/set complex Java objects - FLINK-34295
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-33712 Deprecate RuntimeContext#getExecutionConfig - FLINK-34294
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-33297 Support standard YAML for FLINK configuration - FLINK-34293
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-34190 Deprecate RestoreMode#LEGACY - FLINK-34292
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-30613 Improve resolving schema compatibility - FLINK-34291
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-33697 Support adding custom metrics in Recovery Spans - FLINK-34290
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-33696 Add OpenTelemetryTraceReporter and OpenTelemetryMetricReporter - FLINK-34289
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-33695 Introduce TraceReporter and use it to create checkpointing and recovery traces - FLINK-34288
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-33735 Improve the exponential-delay restart-strategy - FLINK-34287
Release Testing Instructions: Verify FLINK-33768 Support dynamic source parallelism inference for batch jobs
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