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- FLINK-33990
Use default classloader in TaskManager when there are no user jars for job - FLINK-33792
Generate the same code for the same logic - FLINK-33532
Move the serialization of ShuffleDescriptorGroup out of the RPC main thread - FLINK-33266
Support plan cache for DQL in SQL Gateway - FLINK-33054
Align the job execution result fetching timeout in CollectResultFetcher with akka timeout - FLINK-32863
Improve Flink UI's time precision from second level to millisecond level - FLINK-32764
SlotManager supports pulling up all TaskManagers at initialization - FLINK-32762
Support concurrency control when submitting OLAP jobs to Dispatcher - FLINK-32746
Using ZGC in JDK17 to solve long time class unloading STW - FLINK-32299
Upload python jar when sql contains python udf jar - FLINK-32265
Use default classloader in jobmanager when there are no user jars for job - FLINK-32118
Support customized listener during task manager startup - FLINK-29637
Improve to reuse threads in TaskManager for different tasks between jobs - FLINK-29317
Add WebSocket in Dispatcher to support olap query submission and push results in session cluster - FLINK-28691
Improve cache hit rate of generated class - FLINK-26675
Parallelized heavy serialization operations in StreamingJobGraphGenerator - FLINK-26641
Optimize the time of fetching job status in the job submission of session cluster - FLINK-25794
Memory pages in LazyMemorySegmentPool should be clear after they are released to MemoryManager - FLINK-25742
Remove the redundant serialization of RPC invocation at Flink side. - FLINK-25741
Ignore buffer pools which have no floating buffer in buffer redistributing - FLINK-25586
ExecutionGraphInfoStore in session cluster should split failed and successful jobs - FLINK-25445
TaskExecutor always creates local file for task even when local state store is not used - FLINK-25376
Too many JM logs in flink session cluster for olap queries - FLINK-25372
Add thread dump feature for jobmanager - FLINK-25338
Improvement of connection from TM to JM in session cluster - FLINK-25335
HiveSourceFileEnumerator should fetch splits asynchronously - FLINK-25334
Manage and share gateways of taskmanagers between jobs in session cluster - FLINK-25329
Improvement of execution graph store in flink session cluster for jobs - FLINK-25328
Improvement of reuse segments for join/agg/sort operators in TaskManager for flink olap queries - FLINK-25055
Support listen and notify mechanism for PartitionRequest - FLINK-25015
job name should not always be `collect` submitted by sql client - FLINK-15959
Add min number of slots configuration to limit total number of slots - FLINK-15455
Enable TCP connection reuse across multiple jobs. - FLINK-15024
System classloader memory leak after loading too many codegen classes.
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