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- CXF-2185
Handler protocol match fails when multiple protocols are specified - CXF-2148
wsdl2java does not generate @XmlJavaTypeAdapter in SEI - CXF-2147
wsdl2java does not generate @XmlList with doc/lit wsdl - CXF-2138
Missing parameterOrder attribute in java2wsdl generated Doc/Lit wsdls - CXF-2129
Provider endpoint causes NPE in AbstractPolicyInterceptor - CXF-2114
java2ws generates invalid import statement when using member classes - CXF-2112
Missing element in generated WSDL definition - CXF-2110
Missing parameterOrder attribute in java2wsdl generated RPC wsdls - CXF-2011
Asynchronous client behaves improperly - CXF-2006
RespectBinding feature and not understood required extensibility elements - CXF-1648
org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.SoapFault: Error reading XMLStreamReader. - CXF-1623
Wrong org.apache.cxf.jaxws.handler.AnnotationHandlerChainBuilder.protocolMatches() method implementation or preconditions - CXF-1521
Exception handling with @WebFault annotation - CXF-1519
@XmlType in exception class is not respected - CXF-1517
HTTP bindings for Provider - CXF-1516
Type inheritance with document/literal/bare - CXF-1514
Generated WSDL does not take 'transport-guarantee' in web.xml into account - CXF-1513
NPE in JaxWsServiceConfiguration - CXF-1511
WrappedMessageContext does not implement SOAPMessageContext - CXF-1510
Cannot handle anonymous bare requests - CXF-1507
CXF client handler cannot set mime header - CXF-1262
Logging Interceptor should not log mime/multipart - CXF-1261
Handler does not see XOP message properly - CXF-1259
NPE when SEI methods throws RemoteException - CXF-1258
soap:Fault response does not cause SOAPFaultException - CXF-1257
Cannot create proxy for namespaced doc/wrapped - CXF-1253
CXF does not respect @HandlerChain on client SEI - CXF-1252
Provider PAYLOAD endpoint expects SOAP Envelope - CXF-1250
SOAPMessage.getSOAPHeader returns null - CXF-1244
Application Exception not serialized properly
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