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Support get length from CarbonRow in CSDK - CARBONDATA-3097
Support folder path in getVersionDetails and support getVersionDetails in CSDK - CARBONDATA-3095
Optimize the documentation of SDK/CSDK - CARBONDATA-3079
Improve the C++ SDK read performance by merging column in JNI - CARBONDATA-3073
Support other interface in carbon writer of C++ SDK - CARBONDATA-3063
Support set carbon property in CSDK - CARBONDATA-3044
Handle exception in CSDK - CARBONDATA-3043
Add test framework for CSDK - CARBONDATA-3003
Suppor read batch row in CSDK - CARBONDATA-3000
Provide C++ interface for writing carbon data - CARBONDATA-2999
support read schema from S3 - CARBONDATA-2997
Support read schema from index file and data file in CSDK - CARBONDATA-2981
Support read primitive data type in CSDK - CARBONDATA-2952
Provide CarbonReader C++ interface for SDK
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