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- BEAM-9458
Make Dataflow executed UnboundedSources using SDF as the default - BEAM-9430
Migrate from ProcessContext#updateWatermark to WatermarkEstimators - BEAM-8871
Add support for splitting at fractions > 0 to org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.splittabledofn.ByteKeyRangeTracker - BEAM-6979
Make the standard double coder well known within the Java SDK - BEAM-6978
Make Dataflow service receive required restriction encoding parameter on SplittableParDo - BEAM-3837
Python SDK harness should understand a BundleSplitRequest and respond with a BundleSplit before bundle finishes - BEAM-3836
Java SDK harness should understand a BundleSplitRequest and respond with a BundleSplit before bundle finishes - BEAM-3835
Streaming Dataflow runner harness should understand a BundleSplit returned during execution of a bundle - BEAM-3834
Python SDK harness should detect SDF ProcessFn and proactively checkpoint it - BEAM-3833
Java SDK harness should detect SDF ProcessFn and proactively checkpoint it - BEAM-3832
Streaming Dataflow runner harness should understand BundleSplit returned from ProcessBundle - BEAM-3743
Support for SDF splitting protocol in ULR - BEAM-3742
Support for running a streaming SDF in Python SDK - BEAM-3741
Proto changes for splitting over Fn API
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