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Add new address-settings to deal with new config options - ARTEMIS-880
Support address prefixing - ARTEMIS-879
Implement new security roles for addresses - ARTEMIS-878
Update CLI - ARTEMIS-877
Update various protocols to deal with new addressing scheme - ARTEMIS-876
Remove JMS stuff from code-base - ARTEMIS-815
Make address path separator configurable - ARTEMIS-813
Store Address Data and AutoCreate Address on Queue Load/Create - ARTEMIS-791
Define XSD for new configuration - ARTEMIS-790
Create a Configv1 to Configv2 transformation tool - ARTEMIS-789
Update Tests - ARTEMIS-788
Update MQTT& STOMP to check that addresses are multicast - ARTEMIS-787
Update core client wireformat to support new addressing scheme - ARTEMIS-785
Update Examples to use new configuration - ARTEMIS-784
Add new management methods to include new first class addresses - ARTEMIS-783
Implement "anycast" routing in Artemis PostOffice - ARTEMIS-782
Add new configuration schema that includes first class Address elements - ARTEMIS-781
Create Address Journal Record Type
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