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- ARROW-7490
[Java] Avro converter should convert attributes and props to FieldType metadata - ARROW-6912
[Java] Extract a common base class for avro converter consumers - ARROW-6721
[JAVA] Avro adapter benchmark only runs once in JMH - ARROW-6595
[Java] Avro - Experiment with "compiled" consumer delegates for performance. - ARROW-6594
[Java] Support logical type encodings from Avro - ARROW-6593
[Java] Experiment with performance difference of avoiding the use of Avro Decoder - ARROW-6592
[Java] Add support for skipping decoding of columns/field in Avro converter - ARROW-6460
[Java] Add benchmark and large fake data UT for avro adapter - ARROW-6356
[Java] Avro adapter implement Enum type and nested Record type - ARROW-6265
[Java] Avro adapter implement Array/Map/Fixed type - ARROW-6220
[Java] Add API to avro adapter to limit number of rows returned at a time. - ARROW-6199
[Java] Avro adapter avoid potential resource leak. - ARROW-6097
[Java] Avro adapter implement unions type - ARROW-6035
[Java] Avro adapter support convert nullable value - ARROW-5988
[Java] Avro adapter implement simple Record type - ARROW-5861
[Java] Initial implement to convert Avro record with primitive types - ARROW-5846
[Java] Create Avro adapter module and add dependencies
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